配置 Web 应用的 URL 策略

Flutter Web 应用支持两种基于 URL 的路由的配置方式:

路径使用 # + 锚点标识符 读写,例如:flutterexample.dev/#/path/to/screen

路径使用非 # 读写,例如:flutterexample.dev/path/to/screen

配置 URL 策略

让 Flutter 使用 path 策略,请使用 flutter_web_plugins 库中提供的 setUrlStrategy 方法。

import 'package:flutter_web_plugins/url_strategy.dart';

void main() {

Configuring your web server

PathUrlStrategy uses the History API, which requires additional configuration for web servers.

To configure your web server to support PathUrlStrategy, check your web server’s documentation to rewrite requests to index.html.Check your web server’s documentation for details on how to configure single-page apps.

If you are using Firebase Hosting, choose the “Configure as a single-page app” option when initializing your project. For more information see Firebase’s Configure rewrites documentation.

The local dev server created by running flutter run -d chrome is configured to handle any path gracefully and fallback to your app’s index.html file.

将 Flutter 应用部署在子目录下

更新 web/index.html 中的 <base href="/"> 标签为你的应用部署路径。例如:如果你期望将 Flutter 应用部署在 myapp.dev/flutter_app,则更改此标签为 <base href="/flutter_app/">